Daddy In Charge_A Billionaire Romance Page 3
The atmosphere changed with relief exploding from the faces of my personal collection of the best minds sitting around the table. The mood shifted from foreboding to one of exhilaration. They were congratulating each other. Their self-importance was galling.
“I have to say I was skeptical, but you changed my opinion,” said Logan. “The name didn’t exactly jump off the page when I first heard it. I was worried we were putting our eggs into one basket. It was a risk, but it appears to be paying off in big dividends. I was instrumental in the design phase. I’m glad we waited until we could iron out the bugs. It would’ve been premature to introduce this car a year ago.”
Logan had a keen insight, but his priorities were mainly on which woman was going to find their mark on his headboard. I had no interest in taking a survey to find out how many women in my employment had dipped into the company well. I wasn’t comfortable with his philandering ways, but he was the perfect wingman when I was looking to score. I had no designs on the white picket fence and the happily ever after.
“This has been a team effort, Logan.” I pulled my thoughts together. “We’ve all done our part to give this new automobile the respect it deserves. We’ve already had several pre-ordered, with some from around the world. This is the next step in the evolution of how we perceive transportation.”
I kept looking at the clock on the wall wondering how I was going to make a discreet departure. I had several interviews for a new receptionist on a temporary basis leading to full-time potential. I had seen some of them on my way into the boardroom. There was not one of them in the bunch that screamed a passion for the business.
I was going to have to pick, but I was quite selective in who I was willing to work with. The one with the kind eyes kept coming back like this wonderful mirage.
One of my department heads was saying, “I know the future looks bright for the company. We have you to thank for keeping us from losing our heads. It’s been a long couple of years with a lot of hiccups along the way. We need to give you a round of applause for how you have never lost faith. This has always been your baby.” They all literally stood up and made me feel like I was being singled out.
They smiled, but I knew from personal experience each one was looking to stab me in the back when the first opportunity presented itself. The only one I could trust was Logan. He was charismatic and funny. He was my Trojan horse within the group.
“You are embarrassing me. Get out of this room before I find a reason to fire each and every one of you.” I was only teasing and the smirk on my face gave them a reason to walk away still basking in the afterglow of this year’s projections.
Logan stood and headed over to Jessica and Angela from the accounts department. He was making them giggle like schoolgirls. I couldn’t help but notice the way they were sizing him up. He wasn’t shy about sharing his affections with others.
He gave them both a light tap on the butt on the way out. It was a wonder he hadn’t been issued a warning from the human resources department on sexual harassment. He made it seem perfectly natural. The girls liked the attention more than they wanted to admit.
“I hope you were taking notes. Mark my words. They will both be lying in my bed before the end of the night. I’m going to be having a few drinks with them and you’re more than happy to come along. I will say my curiosity for having a threesome with them has been piqued.” I suspected his motives were purely selfish. The one button open on his shirt was enough to draw them to him.
“I have no doubt they will easily submit to whatever nasty thought is brewing in your head. I’m going to pass on this one occasion. I still have a lot of work to do. I need some help to deal with the monotony of running the day-to-day of this business. It would help to have some pretty young thing to motivate me.” I had seen a couple of guys and I was willing to go along with the farce of the interview for the sake of appearances.
“It’s not exactly a sausage fest out there. There are many with the fake credentials and the flotation devices to go along with the superficial look.” He was able to cut through the crap. “Don’t be fooled by those bending over to give you more than an eye full. I don’t want you to be saddled with someone who doesn’t have a sense of humor.”
“Damn it. I almost forgot about the conference call with Greece. They are very interested in investing. The company is well respected. I know what I’m willing to give up for the chance to bolster our self-image.” The black eye of one of our cars having to be recalled was still very much something I was trying to live down.
“I know we don’t need their money, but grabbing onto the coattails of their reputation would do wonders… I was meaning to ask how last night turned out. I probably already know the answer, but there’s going to come a time when you will be smiling.” Logan was exactly like me except that he could control the bear during the times when the full moon wasn’t present.
“I will have to play back the tape, but the blackout and fuzzy recollection of events are the same. The day I find a woman I can be with, body and soul, is the day I finally open my eyes to the possibilities. It’s lucky the bear tries not to hurt them during moments of sweet and torturous release.” Even now, it was still hard to focus with the remainder of the bear’s adrenaline burning off in my veins.
“Tom, I wish I could tell you it was going to get easier, but I can’t do that. I may put on a brave face, but I worry for the day when you call me in the middle of the night begging for my help again.” The blood on the sheets and the self-recrimination was hard to ignore. “There haven’t been any unfortunate accidents in this city, but it’s only a matter of time. We’ve already seen it happen in Chicago, New Orleans, Texas, London, and the list goes on.”
I remembered each time like it was yesterday. Logan was there each and every time to sweep it under the rug. I never asked him how he got rid of the bodies. I really didn’t want to know. It was a matter of plausible deniability. “It does seem like a growing exercise in futility. Every time we get comfortable things unravel in front of our eyes. I’ve been given two warnings already from the Alpha. There won’t be a third. He doesn’t know half of the things we have covered up in the name of self-preservation.”
He was getting good at using bleach to cover the stench of blood in the room. “We have talked about this for long enough. You have some things to do and I’m going to try to catch up with those two girls.” Nothing short of a ball-peen hammer to the top of his head was going to prevent him from letting his inner beast play outside the darkness of his soul.
I gazed longingly at the woman sitting uncomfortably and looking around like she didn’t belong. I could see she was close to leaving without saying one word. There had to be a way for me to keep her there for a few more minutes until I was able to conduct my business with Greece. I walked out while at the same time clapping for their attention. They all looked up expectantly like little children in a classroom. I was going to break the tension.
“I apologize for keeping you waiting, but business stops for no one. Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m going to need a few more moments, but I will be back shortly to conduct these interviews personally. Mrs. Wilson will be there, but ultimately it is my decision whether or not to hire the proper candidate. Be patient a little while longer. These kinds of opportunities don’t come up often.” I was purposely looking at the one who had grabbed me by the throat, metaphorically speaking.
I rushed down the hallway without running to find Constantine waiting on the phone. He was quite anxious and we discussed how we were going to bring him into the fold.
“I have high hopes for this merger. I have been watching you closely for some time and you have my deepest respect. Tom, this is really an easy decision and I’m practically throwing myself at you. We have hammered out the details and the last thing to do is to sign the papers. I will get 10% in exchange for my expertise and influx of cash. This will help you to maneuver yourself to be one of the bigger players in the
game.” Constantine was never going to know the true purpose for this merger. Time did heal old wounds, but it was better to surround myself with those with stellar reputations. I wanted to take full advantage of their PR department.
“I feel we have only begun to reach our full potential. Two cars are nothing compared to what I have in mind for the future. I want you there to revel in the revenue of millions a year. That isn’t an exaggeration. It’s a fact.” I was giving him no reason to back out at the last minute.
“It’s never been about the company. I value the person behind the name. My business is family owned and operated. I know nepotism is frowned upon, but I need to look after my family.” His dedication to his family wasn’t an issue. I could find a use for the family component.
“I think I mentioned I don’t have any need for money. I’m giving you 10% because you bring a lot to the table. This company can flourish underneath the both of us.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Things were going according to plan.
It was time to hire someone to join this little family. I was hopefully going to start with the one who was out of her league.
Chapter Five - Roseanne
I had a sense of anticipation. My clothes felt a little constricting and I would’ve been far more comfortable in the buff. He made me feel naked and exposed to his eager and hungry eyes. That one moment where we locked eyes hung in the air with the threat and promise of more to come.
Mrs. Wilson was perturbed and kept glancing at her watch impatiently. The other girls were of the same mindset. Some had decided to leave, thinning the herd of available candidates. I had a feeling those sticking around were more than qualified to fill the position.
One in particular was wearing expensive perfume and designer threads. Her portfolio was inside a leather portfolio. She was the only one outside of me who wasn’t looking to impress with her looks and sexual air of desperation.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she said. I didn’t realize I was staring.
“There’s no possible way you could be a mind reader. You might be able to presume, but there’s no way you could have concrete proof of anything.” I was being a bit defensive, but something about her made me feel she was my competition to beat.
“You’re thinking why is a woman like me stuck within the same category as all the rest of you. I’m obviously more experienced. I have several degrees. I made continuing my education my profession for years. I knew eventually I was going to have to bite the bullet and get a real job.” She was opinionated and self-assured about her skills.
“I can tell you have the intellect to go a long way. May I give you some unbiased advice?” She seemed curious to know more and moved so she was the only one to hear what I was going to say.
“I have a pair of shoes older than you. What makes you think anything you say is going to influence my decision one way or the other?” She wanted to hear what I had to say, but she needed a reason to listen.
“This place isn’t for you. This job will get tiresome for someone who gets easily bored. You need something to challenge you. Mr. Snowdon will take what you have to offer and use you for his own purposes.” I felt like I should be taking my own advice.
“I have had many second thoughts about coming here. His reputation and his misogynist attitude are well documented. I’m really not interested in being chased around the office like some ditzy blonde with no brain in her head.” Her sense of style was hard to ignore. She was at least five foot eight and a hundred fifty pounds strategically located all over her body. She wore her confidence like an Amazon princess. The straight black hair was mesmerizing, not to mention the beguiling smile to lure unsuspecting men into her lair of depravity.
“I see the potential in you to break the glass ceiling.” I said as a door slammed, and I looked up half expecting to see him walking in my direction.
“I appreciate the advice. I can see you’re not like all the rest. You obviously have your reasons for being here. I suspect it has more to do with the money than the actual position. No judgment. I wish you luck. You’re definitely going to need it.” She stood up and casually exited stage left using the elevator at the end of the hall.
The sound of high heels moving quickly to intervene was too late. The doors closed and there was a resounding smack of Mrs. Wilson’s hand in exasperation. She turned and glared with daggers in her eyes. If looks could kill, I would’ve been lying on the floor with a chalk outline around my body.
“I know your game,” she hissed. I looked around, shrugging my shoulders and feigning innocence of any kind of accusation.
“Games have never been my style. I tell it like it is without any kind of filter to censor myself.”
She lowered her glasses and stood defiantly with her hands on her hips. “She was at the top of my list. What could you have possibly said to make her leave without at least trying for the job? She had all the qualities and the credentials behind her name. I want to know how you sleep at night.” Her voice had risen in register and her tone was causing me some concern.
“I told her in no uncertain terms this place wasn’t for her. She was too good to waste her talents sitting behind a desk answering phones. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character.” I wasn’t backing down. Her anger had ignited my fierce conviction.
“I don’t know where you get off telling her anything. It would be best for you to leave right behind her. I can assure you that I have gone over your résumé and I wasn’t the least bit impressed.”
I suspected her reason for me to leave was more of a knee-jerk reaction. “I didn’t want her to waste her potential with someone pretentious and in need of always having the last word. We both know this position is beneath her. These girls will fawn all over him and tell him exactly what he wants to hear. I won’t be so transparent.”
There were murmurs of dissent from my comment. Some of them had taken what I said personally and they should have. There was a parade of those who gave some deep thought to what I said.
“Where are you going?” Mrs. Wilson yelled down the hall. “If you leave, there will not be another opportunity. I will make sure your names never cross his desk again.”
“I think they have other ideas of how their future is going to unfold. If I can protect one of them from this man’s advances, then I will leave here with a happy smile on my face. It doesn’t matter if I get the job, even though my passion for cars should be foremost on his mind.”
“I’m going to repeat myself one more time so there is no miscommunication. I don’t want you anywhere near him. I have a good mind to call for security and have you escorted out of the building.”
“You do whatever you think you have to.” I never blinked and I wanted her to know losing this job wasn’t going to break me like a fragile doll. “Life is about choices, but you should always be prepared for the consequences of your actions. Each action has an equal and opposite reaction.” She was fuming mad and I was waiting for her to wrap her hands around my throat in an effort to shut me up.
“I have a better idea. There’s no possible way he’s going to hire you over the other more qualified candidates. I’m going to give you enough rope to hang yourself.” Her voice had lowered and she was kneeling like she was giving me an encouraging word.
“I don’t have to sit here and take this verbal abuse from one of his lackeys. It makes you look small.”
She was grinding her teeth and trying to stare me down in an obvious tactic of intimidation. “You really do have more to say than you should. I have influence over the hiring process. I will make sure to guide him away from hiring you. Mr. Snowdon is considered a visionary. You’re not even fit to tie his shoes.” She was rapidly crossing a line in the sand.
“Mrs. Wilson doesn’t speak for me. I am more than capable of speaking for myself. I apologize for her unprofessional attitude toward you.” He very casually persuaded her to leave me alone.
I watched with a keen interest as they were having a spirited de
bate. I gave her credit for not screaming or making a scene. She did have the misfortune of pressing her finger into his chiseled chest. He did not take kindly to anybody invading his personal space.
There were only four other girls left. Two of them would have had their head floating above their bodies had it not been attached to their shoulders. The other two had the smell of desperation surrounding them. Their perfume was sickeningly slathered on like they had bathed in the stuff.
I was burning up with a fever for more than casual conversation. It was quite an aphrodisiac to see him wield his power like a god on Mount Olympus. The truth was very easy to see. Mrs. Wilson was his conscience.
She prevented him from making the mistake of hiring those who could easily survive a capsized vessel using the flotation devices on their chest. She was never going to get her way, not when he was holding all the cards.
She walked toward me and I was worried she was going to strike me. Thomas Snowdon spun her around to face him, not more than a couple of feet from where I was sitting.
“I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand. I want to see her first before seeing anyone else. Don’t worry, I won’t be alone with her. I know you will be constantly breathing down my neck. The possibility of human resources getting involved is the reason I hired you.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about his interest in me.
I could only imagine what position he really wanted me to fill. It most likely had something to do with being on my back on top of his desk. The idea should have made me cringe, but instead, I was thinking about the possibility of more than a working relationship.
“I want to go on the record to say this is a bad idea. I always thought you valued my opinion. My hiring process is quite extensive. I make sure the best person gets the job each and every time.” He wasn’t making any kind of rebuttal. His expression more than said what was on his mind.